Blonde Military Veteran Woman Holding Child- moving tips for veterans

Moving Tips For Military Veterans

Moving can be one of the most stressful experiences in life. For military veterans, who often relocate multiple times throughout their service, the process of moving can be even more challenging. However, with careful planning and organization, the moving process can become more manageable and less overwhelming. In this blog post, we will explore some helpful moving tips for veterans that are specifically tailored to assist you in your moving endeavors, brought to you by American Veteran Properties.

Start Early and Create a Timeline

Begin preparing for your move as soon as you receive orders or decide to relocate. By creating a timeline and breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps, you will ensure nothing falls through the cracks. This includes notifying your current housing provider, arranging transportation for your belongings, and scheduling necessary appointments and paperwork.

Research Your New Location

Take time to research your new destination. Familiarize yourself with the area, local resources, and amenities. Understanding the community and its offerings can help ease the transition and make the settling-in process smoother.

Utilize Your Benefits

As a military veteran, you have access to various benefits and resources designed to assist with moves. These benefits may include housing allowances, relocation assistance programs, and access to military storage facilities. Make sure to take advantage of these resources, as they can help alleviate financial burdens and provide valuable support throughout the moving process.

Notify Relevant Parties

Before your move, ensure you notify key parties to facilitate a seamless transition. This includes updating your mailing address with the United States Postal Service and providing your new contact information to government agencies, banks, insurance providers, and any other institutions tied to your finances or official documentation. 

Gather All Necessary Data- From Pet Info to Required Documents 

Collect all necessary documentation, such as medical records, school transcripts, and personal identification records, to facilitate a smooth transition into your new location. Keep these documents easily accessible during the moving process to avoid any unnecessary complications. If you have furry family members, it’s essential to plan for their relocation as well. Research pet-friendly transportation options, ensure they are up to date on vaccinations and microchipped, and make arrangements with a new veterinarian in your destination area. Moving can be stressful for pets, so providing a calm and comfortable environment during the transition is crucial.

Stay Organized

Pack your belongings strategically and label each box or container with the room it belongs to and its contents. This will make unpacking much more efficient and save valuable time when setting up your new home. What’s more, you should know that relocating is not a task you have to tackle alone- and sometimes the best way to keep things organized is to simply ask for help from those who have been there before. Reach out to fellow military veterans, support organizations, or online communities for advice and tips, and emotional support. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide valuable insight and reassurance during the moving process.


Moving can be a challenging endeavor, particularly for military veterans who are accustomed to frequent relocations. By following these helpful tips, you can approach your move with better organization, less stress, and a smoother transition into your new home. Remember to plan, utilize your benefits, gather necessary documentation, label and organize your belongings, and seek support when needed. At American Veteran Properties, we appreciate your service and aim to provide you with the guidance and resources necessary to make your move a success.

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